I know nothing of how this commercial was focus-grouped, watered down, and coded. My general impression upon viewing it, and after reading through the comments here, is that it is targeted towards family members of potential officers – NOT the officers themselves. I cannot imagine viewing that commercial between the age of 18 and 22 and wanting to join up. On the other hand, my friends and family would probably view it and it would either sustain or improve their perception of military service and it may prompt them to either encourage or not discourage me from pursuing such a career.

Regarding the cultural divide, if any, and the perceived failure to target certain sub-cultures within our country – I think we are reading too much into what may not be there. This was, in my opinion, a very mushy, feel-good, cheery commercial that was light on content – not likely to appeal to ANY potential officer candidates. It appeals to their families.

In regard to targeting the audience of potential recruits/candidates, I still say that the British Royal Marines have cracked the code. I wish we would just copy, paste, alter the uniforms and accents, and repackage it for the Army. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUcaM_0ztbM