Quote Originally Posted by selil View Post
...Situation changes, tactically different defensive posture, but similar cognitive consideration.
Biggest single problem with the current system. Task? Easy. Standard? Easy. Condition? Whoops!! that's the rub, the widely varying conditions. Good leaders and trainers know this and work around the book. Unfortunately, everyone isn't a good leader or trainer.
The issue with transference is also related to incorrect scope of skills versus knowledge. In situations where curriculum manifests as skills attainment to much balanced on the skill, the ability to transfer that skill is not transferable cognitively to other tasks. Industrial age education programs (almost everything) are created unfairly balanced towards skills. In the examples I could read (I don't have AKO) though the learning objectives are there they are examples of discrete skills versus knowledge.
Absolutely. That's problem 2; we get kids who do very well on the tasks on which they were trained but they cannot combine them well and don't hit with something they haven't had.

Hmm. That's not fair -- the kids cope and work their way through it, mostly. That's not good enough IMO. The system is letting them -- and units -- down.
...They do speed up skills attainment and deepen knowledge so it can be used creatively.
True. Good news is that they're working on it. (LINK), (LINK)..

I many never get my seven months but at least they're realizing all the flaws in the industrial model. That's progress.