I took the easy part -- training on what is pretty much trained now, just do it a bit longer and hopefully with better trainers.

You've elected to go after the hard part; what should be trained -- and prove it!

I have no doubt in my mind that I've wasted a lot of time in training that I never used. I also know I did a very few things in combat that are not trained at all and a few more that were trained haphazardly in units by good and bad NCOs and Officers not all of whom knew what they were doing. I learned a lot on my own, some well and some nor so well. I also was a voracious reader -- many are not.

One problem lies in duty assignments. I was a Tanker, so-so, not bad at it. Then I went to a Reconnaissance Company; totally different skillsets, major acceleration required, much flapping of wings. A few years later, I left SF for an Airborne Infantry unit, deceleration, coast and still do good.

The Commonwealth Armies are in my observation better at training the basics and also pretty rigorous about forcing you to school before you do something new. In both cases, we were not that way though we have improved a bit. Regardless, sorting out what needs to be trained and how much would be highly beneficial.