Quote Originally Posted by AmericanPride View Post
...It seems to me though from the depictions of the characters that Damon is an idealized character because he reflects what should be and the other is admonished because he reflects what is. It's appears to be one of those things that everyone knows but God forbid you be the one to actually say it.
As you say, it's fiction. Admonished due to being 'what is' perhaps -- also noting that it doesn't have to be that way, it's a personal choice that doesn't reflect well on the individual, that it does drive other, better people out of the service and that some Damons stick around in spite of the Courtneys. I'd say the ratio is better than 60:40 for the good guys.

That's a good thing. That's also reality. Everywhere in the world other than in the entertainment industry and a couple of other places where it seems to be reversed; fortunately, the armed forces of the US are on the good slope...