Really good problem-sets, Mike.

Quote Originally Posted by MikeF View Post
So, you've successfully neutralized the local insurgency in your AO. Good work. Now, you're dealing with tribal issues dating back for centuries. The security you've facilitated is temporary and mostly based on the fact that you and your men are the baddest sheiks on the block. Now, what do you do?
Okay, very rough stab at the simplest one.

First, assume that you cannot resolve / reconcile the grievances.

Second, assume that there is some cultural recognized and accepted form of reconciliation and resolution.

Third, ask what it is.

Or, in other words, and to modify a core US Army meme - "Ask, don't tell" !

Why is this simple?

(NB: I didn't say "easy" )

All cultures have some form of reconciliation mechanism which involves the use or threat of violence and some form of ritualized pattern of action / event to stop violence. Sometimes there are multiple ritualized event sequences fighting for cultural dominance.

Because these conflict / grievance resolution forms vary significantly from culture to culture (and often within cultures), you need to find one or two that match with the vast majority of the current players, whether or not they match with your perception of how to do it. This latter point is the key - you cannot impose a solution on "them", they have to evolve one that meets your minimal requirements. This can lead to some pretty strange mechanisms (e.g. cricket games were used in the Trobriands as a substitute for raid / counter-raid, i.e. clan feud, events).

Now comes the truly hard part: once you have worked with them to establish a local solution, you have to sell it on three fronts:

  1. MNF forces have to be convinced that it will "work";
  2. Local groups have to agree to enforce it; and
  3. The HN government has to at least officially tolerate it.

