Quote Originally Posted by Schmedlap View Post
Maybe I'm out of touch. I hear lots of talk about veterans having a tough time "coping" or "reintegrating" into society. But I don't see it. I and many of my peers certainly were surprised at life in the civilian world. Most of our new civilian "peers" seem much softer and weaker than the individuals whom we associated with in the Army. But that does not mean there is a need to help us reintegrate or cope. That would be like saying we need reintegration programs for Olympic athletes who wish to return to intramural sports leagues.
Very well said.

Most of the programs out there are desigend to help veterans "overcome" rather than "transition" and I worry that we put too much emphasis on tossing out the baby with the bathwater.

Case in point here: http://www.stripes.com/article.asp?a...52&section=104