I laugh my ass off everytime I see this.

Probably funny to me because I don't play World of Warcraft. Truth be told, I did try to play it once and I didn't get it.

However, Madden 2010 is out today

Rob Chamberlain has written some other pieces for AFJ and FIRES. We were LTs together at Campbell and in Iraq. I'm headed to his BN next month (actually I think he just PCS'd to USMA). He's insanely smart (Rhodes Scholar) and has an extremely unique way of explaining things sometimes. I applaud his effort on this one; the TT experience is one that is sometimes hard to capture with words, IMO. I talked to him about a half dozen times while he was on his MiTT deployment...and I hear a lot of that coming out in the article. Plus he commanded in 1/1 ID, the unit that had the TT mission until recently. I'd hate to speak on his behalf, but I know he had some heartburn with the training; both as a trainee and O/C. From my recent conversation with him, he sounded like a fan of the BCT-A concept.

On a side note, some future BN Commanders from the Pre-Command Course spoke to my small group at CCC yesterday. I asked them their opinion of BCT-A and they seemed pretty clueless about it, but they thought that is the concept the army should have pursued initially instead of random HRC call-ups.