Quote Originally Posted by Uboat509 View Post
My wife and I were discussing this subject just the other day. I think we had just seen a commercial advertising highlights from Woodstock or something. The "profound" nature of this event is lost on us. OK, it was a big concert, I got it. So are OzzFest and Lollapallooza. So what? We just don't get it. But then neither of us buys into the myth that it was the hippies ended the war in Vietnam, or really accomplished anything else worth noting. Maybe it is our combined cynicism but we tend to believe that it was when John and Jane Middle America got tired of the Vietnam war that it ended rather than anything a few dirty, stoned hippies managed to accomplish during their few moments of lucidity.


The times were truly different then. For one the size of the concert was really a big deal back then, not so much today. What was so unusual was that the media had continually hyped how all the stoned crazy hippies would kill or corrupt anything or anybody who had contact with them. When that turned out to be a lot of media propaganda the concert began to take on a supernatural status, which was nothing but propoganda in the other direction.