My particular rant about Boxer and her ilk is that none of them give a spotted's rat's backside about the military and their families UNLESS there is political gain to be made from it. Same goes for the MSM. CBS has been running stories about military families and the like for the past week or so. I submit that they didn't care about them before, and will stop caring as soon as there's no ratings gain to be made from it.

When I was in high school, I went to a school in Germany (West Germany at the time) that had a fair number of Army kids in it. They moved every year to year and a half. I never saw anyone showing any concern about that then, and still do not now. When I worked at Fort Riley I saw guys coming back from TDYs to Kosovo only to be shipped off to Korea within a week or two. No prime-time coverage of that one. People would be killed in training accidents, and you never saw a "they give all" blurb or someone in Congress burbling about the price their families paid.

Sorry for the rant, but anytime someone like Boxer or Ted Kennedy or the neo-cons get on a high horse and starts "feeling" for the military I just want to scream. If there was no gain to be had they'd be calling for budget cuts, ignoring servicemembers and their families, and voting to raise their own obscene pay and benefits. Two party nepotism at its finest.

And now I'll return to my reclusive historical self...