In Congo, if you wanted to live, you did NOT get on a Soviet designed or piloted aircraft unless it was painted white and had a great big UN painted on the side. This was because they crashed a lot. And they crashed a lot because the Soviet types would cut corners and take chances. If they didn't they got to go back to Russia or wherever and live a really stinko life. The UN was able, for some reason, to get them to operate safely. And they can operate safely but you have to force them.

It really scares me that this nightmare seems to have moved to Afghanistan. It angers me that we can't get them to fly right. The UN in Congo can do this for God's sake. Why can't we? I never had to fly on the Russian aircraft when I was in Africa but it made my heart ache to see the NGO types in torment because they had to get to a place but they knew they ran a horrible risk by getting on a Russian airplane. Now our guys may be faced with the same torment?

This brings up again something I have been very concerned about since I saw it first hand starting in 2007. We are critically dependent of Russian airlift to support our war efforts in Iraq for sure and I assume Afghanistan also. We absolutely could not do the fight if the AN-12s and IL-76s stopped flying for us. This seems to me a great vulnerability. If it were the Australians or the Portugese running and manning all those airplanes that would be no big deal. But it is the Russians and the Ukrainians and the Stans etc. I don't think this is a good thing.