Returning to the original argument: Snipers are valid in the Infantry Battalions for following reasons:
1. Surveillance at ranges beyond that of Rifleman.
2. Target Acquisition for crew served weapons at the "Area of Interest" boundary.
3. Target engagement with a view to put caution in the minds of the enemy and delay his move for own forces to be ready to engage from a position of tactical advantage.
4. Cause harassment and make enemy deploy a part of reserves to deal with the unseen threat much earlier than "contact ranges".
5. Cause disarray by knocking the heads off i.e. "Kill the Commanders".
6. Must operate in buddy pairs for inherent "continued surveillance" and "local protection" at the lowest level.
7. The highest level could go upto a squad or platoon where they can be grouped with dedicated Recon Platoons/Companies.
8. They have proved their worth in Urban Warfare as also in Counter Terrorist operations where collateral damage is to be avoided.

Recon capability is mission essential requirement. At the Infantry Battalion level it can be foot based or vehicle based but must not be seen as "armed recon". It must remain "silent recon" with integral SATA/ISTAR Equipment including Micro UAVs when available. Human angle is important for "feel of the ground" and "natural awareness" besides "experiential analysis" of situation.