
You are buying into the supposed "eternal india pakistan conflict" too easily. Which probably means you get your Pakistan from Pakistani army mess halls. The "eternal conflict" is used by the army to have its way within Pakistan. But when the army changes its mind about some aspect of the conflict, miracles happen and suddenly that issue is not intractable anymore. Its not public opinion that is driving the conflict. Its the army (and its well lubricated psyops division) that is driving the public opinion. I am not saying India and Pakistan would suddenly be all kumbaya if the army changd its mind, but I must insist that given half a chance, the mainstream politicians (nawaz sharif, zardari, altaf, etc) would make deals and allow trade and travel and wrap up the jihad in no time...Pakistanis and Indians would still insult each other (like British and German footbal fans do) but that is an entirely different matter..