Thanks for the good research. It frames the discussion pretty well.

Rather, as we identify threat websites we need to just sit and watch. Preferably from a connection that cannot be linked back to the government. For AQ type sites, I would use connections from Deerborn, MI or other areas with a large population of Arabs and Muslims, a savvy admin will watch his logs and research where new visitors are coming from based on IP addresses. When you look at the site, you look at where the site links to and build map of the links. If the website has a discussion board like this, you watch it and see who the most credible posters are and attempt to identify them. This is where a government team of crackers would be valuable. When you identify good individual targets, you infilitrate their computer and install a trojan horse and a keylogger. The objective should be study and learn without being noticed, digital tactical/strategic reconnaissance.
That observation there is a good place to start.

Small Wars relation... I do not see terrorist groups such as AQ profiting because of the resources involved such as the need for multiple and steady broadband internet connections and up to date computer hardware. Most of the "gold farmers" are based in China and are most likely getting "taxed" by local Party officials, similar, to a protection racket.
Any thoughts on where the money goes, or how revenue could be spent? It seems a good way to finance allot of stuff.

I do not think AQ is making internet attacks a major part of their strategy. They use the internet for recruiting and public relations. On the other hand, China appears to be one of the bigger threats out there, India and Russia are probably not far behind either. Additionally, not all attacks are launched by governments. Example of the possible involvement of Russian organized crime. I also remember the back and forth of webpage defacements a couple years back after China forced our plane to land on their island. I also remember a hacker/cracker group declaring "war" on China or maybe Iraq or another nation and then having to back down because they had not realized what they started when they declared their "war." Mainly, that the country they were targeting could/would reach and out and touch them, and not just with a strongly worded email. Additionally, as the link on the Bot Nets above shows, there appears to be a "made to order" DDoS attack market developing out there.
You know as far as Coalition contributions could go - if a country like India, or or somewhere that had the labor and networks - they could make a serious contribution hunting down and attacking listed sites - especially if they were paid - there might be allot of unhappy WoW fans though. Politically there'd be flak about using people chained to their desktops in support of GWOT.