The old paradigms of FID and SOF have changed and we have to keep up and not just assume it is business as usual - but on a global and consistent scale.

I fully understand the points raised here concerning FID as an integral part of SPECOPS and agree.

Still, there is not enough SOF to conduct all the traditional missions on a global basis. My suggestion was that conventional forces (USMC in this instance) take over the “less snake-eater” missions (training for one) while SOF continues to do what it does best. Under a JTF, and if well-planned and executed, this relationship could be codified and appropriate doctrine, TO&E, and TTP established.

All that said, it is a moot point. A USMC conference next week will hammer out the details on this done deal. As a good Marines, the USMC will salute sharply and carry out the new mission to the best of it's capabilities. Our nation will not be disappointed...