Actually the problem that goes with the solution is more complex that just clothing and feeding the FARDC.
If you look at Numby personal troops , they are well trained, well paid and disciplined.
On the other hand, if you look at ex CNDP/FARDC, they are not paid, well trained and almost disciplined.
Taken now the average former may-may FARDC, they are not paid, not trained, not disciplined.
That is only the top of the iceberg.
Cause if you look deeper, you will found that the FARDC or whatever you call them troops in DRC have a tradition on harassing population inherited from Belgium colonisation. Do not get me wrong, but they see their position not as warrior stuff but as business investment.
They do not respond to a chain of command but to a chief that feed them, cloth them and share the treasure with them.
Training is the easy may be working solution. What you will never be able to put in their mind is the fact that they defend a nation, a population, a flag, honour or what ever you put into military function.
One collegue of mine compared them to barbarian tribes from antique rome. He was talking about the fact they move to battle with their famillies and all the rest.
But indeed he was not that far from what they are in fact: the army of a king or chief. And with 74% officer, you can imagine what the word chief may have for meaning
The first step is to break that. Actually you re not training DRC army but Kabila and foes troops. The day someone else come to power: all your efforts are lost.
Separating chain of payment was one first smart move (and you still have 40% lost)
Now you have to look closer to chain of command. Also build barracks, houses for families, insure families get paid while dady is having fun at war, putting kis at school...
And give FARDC a real taste of what being a soldier is: suffering with only #### for food and jail for fun house if they do wrong on the ground
They are like kids you have to nurse.
The only example I have in mind of good behaviour of troops in DRC is from 2004:
One of the commander I use to now in Ituri had a simple rule: you still 1$ from population: 1 slap with a good bambou stick.
If they were caught in a bar: same price (1 beer=5 slap).
If you rape: death penalty...
I believe the guy that stole 2000$ must remember in his grave the meaning of obeydiance and discipline. But after the place was safe from that side.
Not saying it is the solution but it is part of it.
They have to learn, even officers, what is the meaning of military discipline.
But their gov has to pay them also...
And still, does not solve the problem of what you train for whom and which purpose. But that is politics