Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
Slap, I understand what you mean when you say the Gov't is the COG, but I also understand that you are a "Wardenphile", and that fits. I would categorize the Gov't more as both a CR and CV; and the Populace as the COG. One does not necessarily try to defeat the COG, but in these internal conflicts more aptly one is out to win the support of the COG. Every populace must have a Govt of some sort, so therefore it is a CR. Failure of Govt is what gives rise to insurgency, so therefore this CR is also a CV and must be "targeted" to fix the points of poor governance.
Highlights were done by me.

Bob, Yes I am a Wardenphile or a possible ASCOPEian and your description of SBW (Systems Based Warfare) is probably what he would recomend...you want to affect a change in a failing government to achieve a certain desired effect. And that does not necessarily have to be violent. If the government is the COG or Focal point and you are successful you win the population by default, however if you don't focus on fixing the government...... how would winning the population do you any good....unless you were trying to do UW or something similar???