Hello, not sure if this was the correct section for this, but if not I will move it.

I am just beginning research for my MA thesis, which (I think) will be about the use of air power against irregular foes, and how effective that is. I had initially planned on doing at least 2 case studies, but time constraints on both myself and my Professors (thesis is capped at around 60pgs, otherwise professors get cranky) it will just focus on the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel. I am looking for additions to what I have collected so far to read, and the general structure I plan on using (still up in the air to a degree though).

Airpower in Small Wars: Fighting Insurgents and Terrorists by James Corum and Wray Johnson
Lessons of the 2006 Israeli-Hezbollah War by Anthony Cordesman (from CSIS)
The War in Lebanon: A Reader edited by Nubar Hovsepian
34 Days by Amos Harel and Avi Issacharoff
Bombing to Win by Robert Pape
The 2006 Lebanon Campaign and the Future of Warfare by Stephen Biddle and Jeffery Friedman
How Democracies Lose Small Wars by Gil Merom
Back to Basics: A Study of the Second Lebanon War and Operation "Cast Lead" by LTC Scott Farquhar
Asymmetric Warfare: Threat and Response in the 21st Century
Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife by John Nagl
Tradgedy in South Lebanon: The Israeli-Hezbollah War of 2006 by Cathy Sultan
The 33 Day War: Israel's War on Hezbollah in Lebanon and Its Consequences
Israeli Counter-Insurgency and the Infidatas: Dilemmas of a Conventional Army by Sergi Catignani
Asymmetric Conflicts: War Initiation by Weaker Powers by TV Paul

On Proportionality of Countermeasures in International Law by Thomas Franck (American Journal of International Law)
Lebanon: Securing a Permanent Cease-Fire (Hearing before the Senate CFR)
Lebanon: The Israel-Hamas-Hezbollah Conflict (Congressional Research Service)
Lessons and Implications of the Israel-Hizballah War (Washington Institute for Near East Policy)
Who Really Won the Second Lebanon War by Michael Totten (Commentary Magazine)
Hizballah at War: A Military Assessment by Andrew Exum (Washington Institute..)
Israel's Uncertain Strategic Future by Louis Rene Beres (Parameters)
When Close Doesn't Count: An Analysis of Israel's Jus Ad Bellum and Jus in Bello in the 2006 Israel-Lebanon War by Major Bottoms (The Army Lawyer)
Crisis in the Levant: Lebanon at Risk by William Harris (Mediterranean Quarterly)
Between Victory and Defeat: Israel after the War with Hezbollah by Dov Waxman (CSIS)
Surprise and Terrorism: A Conceptual Framework by Daniel Morris (Journal of Strategic Studies)
Thoughts on "Hybrid" Conflict (SWJ)
The 2006 Lebanon War: Lessons Learned by Sarah Kreps (Parameters)
How Israel Bungled the Second Lebanon War by Efraim Inbar (Middle East Quarterly)
Hezbollah's Strategic Threat to Israel by Patrick Devenny (Middle East Quarterly)
Has Hezbollah's Rise Come at Syria's Expense? by Robert Rabil (Middle East Quarterly)
The End of Israeli Military Restraint by Or Honig (ME Quarterly)
The Psychological Asymmetry of Islamist Warfare by Irwin Mansdorf and Mordechai Kedar (MEQ)
Nasrallah's Defeat in the 2006 War by Eyal Zisser (MEQ)
Missile War is a new Challenge to Israel's Long Rule in the Sky by Scott Wilson (Washington Post)
Short '06 War Stokes Pentagon Debate by Greg Jaffe (WP)
Look Not to the Skies: The IAF vs. Surface to Surface Rocket Launchers by Noam Ophir (Institute for National Security Studies)
Back to Ground Rules: Some Limitations of Airpower in the Lebanon War by Noam Ophir (INSS)
The Limits of Coercive Airpower by Daniel Lake (International Security)
From Conflict Management to Conflict Resolution by Edward Djerejian (Foreign Affairs)
The Future of Lebanon by Paul Salem (Foreign Affairs)
Israel's War with Iran by Ze'ev Schiff (Foreign Affairs)
The End of Proportionality by Jonathan Keiler (Parameters)

The way I plan on breaking it down is:
Chapter 1: Intro to conflict, casus belli
Chapter 2: Theories of airpower & insurgency/counterinsurgency
Chapter 3: Capabilities of Hezbollah and IDF/IAF
Chapter 4: Decision making before/during/after war

If anybody has any additions to my reading list (or things I should remove), or any suggestions about my chapter breakdown, I would be grateful.