Well that's just the point isn't Bill...

When a picture really does paint a 1000 words, who wants to constrain the use of the picture...

Problem is that when we fail to include an "adult" in the loop to avoid the idiocy described by eden...

We get a hodgepodge of 100 MB briefings that actually cloud the leaders understanding as opposed to enlightening...

I'm not saying that Eden's approach is "fool-proof" only that it minimizes some forms of foolishness...

The better solution is a series of guidelines for staff officers to adhere to per SOP and that are deviated from as conscious decision... add in an XO/S3/CoS in the loop to "approve" deviations from the SOP...

To often when no constraints are placed on the use, junior "leaders" are apt to misguidedly go for the Wow Factor because they think it is a means to distinguish themselves from their peers...

The horror the horror

Live well and row