3. Everyday in every way something will go wrong. Things will go wrong in ways that are so abstruse you would have thought God couldn't have thought of that one. And then something else will go wrong. Bear this thought in mind and you won't get so frustrated.
Carl, I could quote you for the remainder of the evening, but it's very late for us (7 hours ahead of EST).

However, this one I especially like. Yea, this could happen anywhere in the world, but it would never measure up to Ktown. I began to believe that if nothing went wrong, it must have been a strike (and even those didn't work).

You plan on Afghanistan next and I am certain that what you have experienced will keep you safe. Not only that, but you have the sense for right and wrong already. Or better put, how to stay clear.

I enjoyed our recent emails and continue to keep Tom CC because I know he likes reading this stuff.

The three of us should get together, I know the stories would make us double over. I don't think we should meet in Ktown and propose Estonia. If we go to Tom's place, we have to eventually bring back a dead deer.

I have the room and once again, know the people and city better than any other foreigner...12 years this May.

Take care and keep the greasy side down (biker talk and in some cases, AN driver talk).

Regards, Stan