Quote Originally Posted by William F. Owen View Post
A.) The stripping out of skilled and determined individuals from Platoons, to go off and form specialist platoons deprives Rifle Platoons of effective soldiers. In a manpower limited army, that makes no sense. Why create two or three tiers of infantry?
Let's talk about that for a second. I have heard the whole argument about Scouts/LRSU/SF/etc. poaching all the good soldiers from the line companies for years now. Frankly it's insulting to the guys who choose to stay in the line companies. Seriously, are the line companies so utterly devoid of talent because a few decide to go to Scouts or SF or whatever that they can't function? Scouts are one platoon out of an entire battalion. SF is one small regiment out of the entire Army. Does that really represent the majority of good NCOs and soldiers in the Army? That's it just those few? It always has sounded more like sour grapes to me than a valid argument against Scouts or LRSU or SF.

In any case it is only creating two or three tiers of infantry if you believe that they are doing the same job. They are not.