I think it would depend on the scale and location of the attack. Multiple attacks would have interesting effect on the European body politic...

I should have clarified that I was thinking long term and not Afghanistan specific.
Quote Originally Posted by omarali50 View Post
...Subsequently, there may well be a rise in nativist/fascist nonsense and life will become harder for the various islamists who still get welfare payments (their number is probably decreasing anyway) but it wont lead to a re-invigorated mission in Afghanistan. Or am I completely off?
Not off IMO. I'm not thinking Afghanistan so much as the overall and long term effect. My "Uh-oh" scenario involves stupid attacks irritating Europe to the extent that they shake off the 'no more war' dream and get annoyed enough to respond. Forcefully.
One can also imagine an attack in China: Still, no immediate change in Afghanistan.
True. Plus as you say, China thinks ahead and has no qualms with using force internally.