This 10-page analysis is entitled “Fueling the Balance: A Defense Energy Strategy Primer” and is authored by two members of the Obama ’08 defense policy task force.

This report builds on concerns which are increasingly being expressed about the vulnerabilities which are inherent in current energy consumption patterns (both in terms of physical supply and affordability).

Although this study focuses almost exclusively on DoD consumption, many of its concerns apply to the civilian sector as well, and of course it is the productivity of the domestic economy which funds DoD and other government services.
Clearly, our reliance on petroleum is suddenly emerging as an urgent issue.

Its bibliography reflects the incorporation into this study of the recent concerns of Col. Gregory Lengyel, the Defense Science Board, Cdr. Jeffrey Eggers, and the recent CNA study.

This study points to the upcoming Quadrennial Defense Review and states that “a closing window of opportunity must not be missed…. the energy nexus…. cannot be deferred again” (p. 1).

This is a concise and highly relevant study, well worth reading.
Thanks to Lisa Wright at Congressman Roscoe Bartlett’s office for passing along the link: