And so the Mugabe thuggery continues with no end in sight. Campbell and his wife were beaten up last year in an earlier attack.

Activists Mike Campbell and Ben Freeth’s farms ‘set alight by henchmen’

President Mugabe’s henchmen were accused yesterday of setting ablaze the homes of their opponents after fires consumed the farmsteads of two prominent white activists.

Mount Carmel Farm, owned by Mike Campbell, who led a campaign against Mr Mugabe’s land seizures, was burnt to the ground yesterday. It had been occupied by a mob claiming to be war veterans since Mr Campbell, 78, and his wife, Angela, 67, were forced out in April by the 80-year-old Nathan Shamuyarira, a member of Mr Mugabe’s politburo. On Sunday the nearby home of Ben Freeth and his wife, Laura, the Campbells’ daughter, also burnt down.