James R. McDonough's "Platoon Leader." Memoir of his time as PL in Vietnam. I read it several years ago, and my memory is struggling with all the details, but I do remember his initial struggle to find his place and authority in a new unit already in combat. Overall, good read and good lessons.

Swinton's "The Defence of Duffer's Drift." Classic primer on basic small unit/company tactics, terrain, etc... Short and to the point.

Have not read McDonough's "The Defense of Hill 781: An Allegory of Modern Mechanized Combat" but hear good things. It is a NTC remake of "Defense of Duffer's Drift."

The "Defense of Jisr al Doreaa" is an Iraq Platoon Leader remake of Duffer's Drift (and includes the Duffer's Drift text). It is excellent.