Quote Originally Posted by William F. Owen View Post
This is closer to what I am proposing, but equipped with bolt-action 8.59mm/300 WinMAG, and course qualified by virtue of 2 weeks training. All the training is focussed at the long range (qualification 800m+, training 1000m) application of fire, and the skills needed to do it.
- alternatively there could be an 8-10 Sniper section at the company level.

Now this has to held relevant to the standard of infantry training I am proposing, which is far more focussed on Patrol/Surveillance type skills.
2 questions:

1) Are these "snipers" attached to the Rifle Plts in direct support as in, their movement are tied to the RPs or are they semi-autonomous operating under Company Guidance but are available to support the RPs.

2) Is the "standard of Inf training your proposing" similar to present day Line Inf. tactics or more like True Light Inf tactics, more along the lines of what Distributed Ops is proposing w/the Observation/Surveillance package of Combat Hunter.

It sounds like you might be proposing something the Marines wrestling w/the last few yrs. DO now called ECO, you probably know, is a few yrs out.

Combat Hunter which deals with teaching Advanced Observation/Surveillance techniques along w/Man Tracking & subject Profiling, is what the Corps has now moved to in the teaching Infantry tactics.