Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
Actually, we didn't break Afghanistan, so the Iraq arguement does not play...


No we didn't break it, it was broken before we got there -- and we contributed to that, if indirectly. That's irrelevant, regardless, the Northern alliance would not have toppled anything without a few boys from Langley with Duffle Bags full of Franklins, plus 5th Group, a slew of US Aircraft and Pakistani connivance simply because we thought we ought to do 'something.'

That was probably a poor decision on several counts but that is now immaterial; it was made and the actions followed have been made a part of history; they cannot be undone.

Two US Presidents from both parties since that toppling have for eight years said publicly we will 'fix' it. You may not see a moral obligation there but if you do not, that raises questions about your purported adherence to and desire for moral solutions. You may casually dismiss the Presidential statements if you wish but if you think the rest of the world will overlook yet another case of US arrogance and looking out for number one, you're not as smart as I think you are -- and if you think they will note and scream but will get over it or we're big enough to ignore them, then you are as arrogant as you accuse others of being.

I realize that all you city sophisticates don't think this way but as Slap will understand and my Uncle Bud used to say "You can kick a pack of mangy, hungry Chihuahuas a buncha times and they'll yip and run -- but sooner or later they're gonna turn on you and bite ya..."

You cannot have it both ways.