Quote Originally Posted by MikeF View Post
I found the approriate analogy...I'm not happy with it, but it is true.
Now, we must discuss it...


Now your talking, this is the biggest and a not uncommon case of Domestic Violence I have ever seen. You have all the Brothers and Sisters and Aunts and Uncles and Friends siding off and lining up and changing their minds every 15 minutes.

So moral obligation on our part also implies a moral responsibility on their part. If they will not help in the fight then I say we have fulfilled our moral obligation and are no longer bound by it. We used to tell DV victims in order for us (the Police) to protect you requires cooperation on your part, which could sometimes be uncomfotrable...like moving to a shelter, being a witness during the trial,etc. if you don't do that there is not much we can do.

So here is the trial separation pending a final divorce as it relates to A'stan. Give Karzid 30 days to show dramatic improvement or we will establish an Exit point and leave.....and we want come back, but if our interest are in jepordy we will run an Air Campaign to protect our interest and we are not going to protect anyones population but ours.

What is the jury verdict