Hey Bob and Steve

I see this from BW:

[1] Ok, there's a start. [2] I hammered that out alone in 10 minutes. [3] I suspect a real staff could clean up the holes in short order.
and my surfing golden bug friend is trying to get me to learn some civil engineering using the probabilistic approach. That one will get a PM; and Steve, I did try a case involving some of the factors in the Corps study (after staying at a Holiday Inn Express).

As to Bob:

1. Yup, it is a start - seriously; and it presents a discussion framework, which is a positive thing (easy to shoot down a target; harder to build and set up the target).

2. I had a comment about "in 10 minutes" - tongue bitten.

3. I had a comment about "real staff" - tongue also bitten.

Read Steve's article - some holes can't be cleaned up in short order.

Anyway, your seven points look interesting to me. My cup runneth over.

In fact, my glass of Guinness is empty.

