Quote Originally Posted by Steve Blair View Post
Heard of Valhalla Games.

Palladium was good, but there were certain aspects of their rules that gave me fits.

I used (and continue to use) RoleMaster more as a basic framework and have done tons of customization to it for a variety of game settings.

And I agree with the thought of adding more of a player component to any system that's used to model COIN. One of the more difficult aspects of these situations is the lack of one leader (there are often MANY leaders, springing up and disappearing with great frequency) and the appearance of many new groups. Hard to do in a computer model that focuses on leaders.
VSG was fun while it lasted but, after 5 years, I figured it was beter to go back to school and finish my degree. I do agre on the Palladium rules; some of them gave me fits as well . Still and all, it was an easy system and, IMHO, a system is only a rough guide for a good gamesmaster.

I think the other problem with a sim focusing on leaders is that it also seems to presuppose a state as the operational unit. Given the current situation, this is a mistake. That's one of the reasons I would like to see any sim have more RPG components and be aimed at a model of "bottom-up" conflict, rather than "top down".

Anyway, it's going to be a busy day for me, so I'd better sign off and stat working
