Many messages issued by the Taliban are sent out in Arabic and area languages first, then in English. This one is interesting in that it went out in simultaneously in English and other languages.

Here's the original in English if you don't care if the Taliban get your IP number , and here's a link to a PDF version on a non-terrorist site.

A couple of highlights (more here):
1) They still want foreign troops out of Afghanistan.

“Our goal is to gain independence of the country and establish a just Islamic system there on the basis of the aspirations of the Muslim nation. We can consider any option that could lead to the achievement of this goal. We have left open all options and ways towards this end. However, this will only be feasible when the country is free from the trampling steps of the invading forces and has gained independence.”
2) They want to like the alternative, kinder, gentler governing alternative.

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has distinctive and useful plans for the future of Afghanistan under the shade of the just social system of Islam after the withdrawal of the foreign forces. They include rehabilitation of social and economic infrastructure, advancement and development of the educational sector, industrializations of the country and development of agriculture …. The Islamic Emirate (IE) believes in social and internal reform as well as in positive initiatives in the context of Sharia.”
E-mail me here if you'd like the Arabic, Urdu, Farsi or Pashto versions in PDF.