Thanks for the feedback (comments on this thread, as well as those who emailed me).

I guess my remaining questions are...

If you "pass" the test, but do not get asked for an interview, then what does it mean to "pass"?

Are different career tracks more competitive in terms of what it takes to get an interview? When I signed up, I had to choose one of five career tracks (I forget all of them now, but consular and economic were two of them - I chose economic). I'm guessing consular is the most competitive???

Was I about right in that you really can't prepare for this? I mean, I read what was on the State Dept website, took the practice exam, got 95%+ of the questions right, but it seems like a trivia game more than anything else. How does one prepare for trivial pursuit? My old roommate, disgusted with his performance at the trivial pursuit board game, pledged to watch one history channel documentary per night via Netflix's instant streaming video. But that doesn't seem like the best way to go about this.