
Good catch and although rather laudatory in places I liked the following:

Our vision is to develop men and women in our armed services with this exceptional character:

* We need the future members of the military class to be thinkers. This is the only alternative, not only so that they will have the necessary criteria for making good operational decisions, but also so that they can deal with a strategic scenario that is characterized by a growing uncertainty.
* We also want officers and soldiers to share a solid military ethic as the only response for guaranteeing legitimacy in the context of the dramatic dilemmas inherent to war.
* We require Colombian officers to behave as doubly excellent citizens who are capable of setting an example for their countrymen while being aware of their duty to their service.
* Moreover, we expect armed service officers to develop an informed vision of the world and discernment to be able to assume the role of defense intellectuals capable of understanding society’s security needs beyond the current conjuncture.
* We demand that armed forces members be imbued with the character of leaders who can conduct the institution in battle, and also lead it and make it grow in times of peace.
* As is natural, the officer corps must incarnate military ethics such as discipline, determination, and the values that make them the nation’s greatest resource at the times of greatest difficulty.
I wonder if TRADOC have read the speech?
