Quote Originally Posted by selil View Post
They don't need specific military officers. They need members from this group like marct and Tom Odom playing the Iraqi side of the equation. Non-linear, outside of the box thinking, that doesn't put some junior officer telling a BTN commander "you suck".
Well, it's nice to know that you think I think like an insurgent If I were going to play an insurgent, it would definitely have to be Hasan al-Sabah

Quote Originally Posted by slapout9 View Post
Gang leaders,drug dealers, organized crime leaders, captured insurgent leaders would be better, then it would not be a game so much as a simulation of what would really happen based on real world TTP's as opposed to just fault finding with the plan.
Slapout, you're right in saying hat these would be really good people to game this out. Maybe a sentence reduction for some of the ones already in custody? (Gotti in Iraq - the ante-penultimate Solution!).

On a more serious note, I actually think that it would be a good idea to include non-military people in the red teams. I'd say "make sure their's an Anthropologist on the teams", but I can only think of 4 Anthropologists who would a) go and b) not totally frak it up <sigh>.

