Hi John,

Quote Originally Posted by John T. Fishel View Post
Marc, to my way of thinking all strategy from grand strategy to theater strategy to even a business strategy should be built around the ends, ways, means construct. The differences are the levels of generalization and the level of objectives. American Grand Strategy for the Cold War was laid out pretty well in NSC 68 which really filled in trhe ways and means of the Containment Policy.
The only problem I have with that construct is that it is linear (and limited), while I tend to view Grand Strategy as dynamic and highly integrated systems thinking, usually guided by a fairly well laid out philosophical underpinning. That being said, I can't think of many nations that have managed to achieve what I would truly call a Grand Strategy that lasted longer than, say 50 years or so. As you can see, I tend to take a long view when it comes to Grand Strategy .

