Quote Originally Posted by slapout9 View Post
marc,your to nice and normal and decent to even try something like that, and so or the other folks on SWC that should be on the team (Tom,Jedburgh,JC,RTK,Rob Thorton and others especially SWJED and Grand Visier). In the end "decency" will be our edge if we do it right, if you need to kill them then do it clean, no psycho stuff. But out weakness will be counter measures, but we could shine if we put our minds to it. No need for decent folks to got to very dark places like our enemy lives in, just hire the real thing and learn how to beat it.
Well, quoth he quoting another great American philosopher, "you don't know me very well" (Bugs Bunny).

Slapout, thanks for the vote of confidence <wry grin>. Sometime, we'll sit down over beers and discuss the concept of "nice". You are absolutely right that, in the end, "decency" will be what wins this for us. BTW, I'd add you to that impromptu team list .

As for going into "very dark places", I've been there, as have many other people in the council. I don't think that it is going into the dark that is the problem - it's how we deal with coming into the light afterwards. All of us have seen things that would turn the stomachs of "civilians" (yeah, I know, I'm not military. Let me just say that one cannot research modern Witchcraft without running into stuff that is "beyond the pale".). It's how we deal with it, and our "selves" that is the key to why we will win.
