First, they do not speak Arabic in Afghanistan, and while, like English, there are Arabic terms in Pashtu and Dari, in Pashtu the focal point for the term Talib is student. As used by the Afghani, Talib means student, Taliban is plural for student and they are usually drawn from the Madrassas. Omar's group were in fact his students.....

Western press, as is often the case to make things simple, attribute the term to all insurgents in Afghanistan. This is incorrect. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar has his HIG, and the Haqqani's are rulers of the Haqqani Network. While there is interaction with the groups, each, as noted, is under its own Shura Council.

Mullah Omar leads the Quetta Council, Mullah Bradder the Geri Jangle Council, and we have the Peshawar Council.

Hekmatyar and the Haqqanis operate in the same general area, Omar in the South and Brader in the West.