Quote Originally Posted by Dayuhan View Post
is there another modern case of a population of recent immigrants appropriating an area and imposing a statehood unacceptable to the pre-existing population? Granting, of course, that the Americans, Canadians, Australians, etc all did the same thing, but under the standards of the day that was acceptable behaviour.
So under the standards of behaviour of a given time, when were European colonists ever subjected to industrial state sanctioned annihilation by a de-facto colonial power?
... that's the only reason Holocaust denial exists. - to delegitimise Israel's right to exist.

Now you can argue that the Palestine Mandate was not an ideal location for the Jewish Homeland, but where was the one place on earth constantly inhabited by Jews since written records began? - albeit as a minority for a long while.

The argument against Israel's legitimacy is not a consequence of the state's Jewishness, but of its imposition by force against the wishes the pre-existing population.
Sorry, but a substantial proportion of anti-Israel arguments are founded on precisely that issue.
Israel is a demonstrably secular State whose primary reason for existence is the protection of ethnic and religious Jews (and anyone under their protection) from anywhere on the planet. - Zion.

A great deal of rubbish is talked about Zionism. At it's heart and even across other cultures and in some popular culture, it's meaning is "last safe place."

Fully confess to not being a fair broker on this one, - a bit like Americans being pro-American.