I think we are talking about two different things. CIDG and CAP are examples of foreign security assistence efforts to indigenous inhabitants.

Mao (and Giap) were indigenous insurgents (to begin with), writing to their own folks on how to do it - e.g., Mao's 7 points in your link:

1. Arousing and organizing the people.
2. Achieving internal unification politically.
3. Establishing bases.
4. Equipping forces.
5. Recovering national strength.
6. Destroying enemy's national strength.
7. Regaining lost territories.
So also Lenin. To do that sort of stuff you have to be indigenous, or be so much a part of the landscape that you are accepted as indigenous. You also have to be on all fours with the cause or causes of the indigenous people.

What if your indigenous valley folks hate the Karzai governmental like poison; dislike the "Taliban" (different herds of them), but don't hate them as much; don't like AQ at all (a bunch of intervening Arabs who are nuts); are only interested in the almost complete automony of their little series of inter-connected river valleys; and don't really care about whether AQ or "Taliban" exist in other parts of the country - so long as they do not bother the valley folks.

What's the solution for that kind of situation ?
