Here's some open source info I've gathered:

The action took place in and around the village of Kamdesh. Fob Keating is on the outskirts.

I read about two outposts as well. In addition to FOB Keating, there is a COP on the ridgeline above the village/FOB called Warheit. I've also read there was an ANP post in the village itself. It's not clear, but it looks like the ANP post in the village was overrun and then the enemy forces turned and attempted to take FOB Keating. 20-30 ANP are missing, presumably captured, but there's also the possibility some defected. It's also not clear where the US soldiers were killed - at the ANP post or at Keating.

It also appears the enemy forces utilized tactics commonly seen in this area and were able to use weather and good opsec to mass for the attack (something I think is similar to what happened at Wanat). I think Cavguy is completely correct that the initial reports may be understating several aspects of the attack. Keating was built a few years ago - it wasn't partially-built like Wanat.

As for Nuristan in general, it is, IMO, a high-risk, low-reward area for a COIN operation. It is one of the most isolated and backward areas in Afghanistan and one that has never felt much sway from any kind of central or outside authority. There isn't much gain for us there IMO.