A one time fix perhaps, but if done often enough the message might sink in. The key of course is how often will be enough and it adds more time to an already full day.

Agree the Army (and other services) are not always great places to practice social engineering particularly when engaged in war on two fronts. Yet as Cavguy said much of the resistance to gays serving seems to be generational. I still feel that not many would be “open” about their orientation, without DADT they just wouldn't have to deal with hiding it off duty.

The problems in the higher chain of command need to be fixed in the same way, it's just a different dynamic for officers as not as many live in barracks.

My point on the UCMJ is that it would first need a bit of a revamp (like eliminating the article prohibiting sodomy, which covers all other sexual acts outside of standard male/female intercourse, which is way outdated) so that it prohibits not the type of sexual activity but the time and place where it is prejudicial to good order and discipline. I'm no Puritan, and have nothing against men having sex with men, but if they are doing it my barracks area, work area, or military vehicles, then I do because it impacts others who shouldn't have to be exposed to anyone's proclivities. Goes the same for male/female and female/female as well as a host of other activities (e.g. proselytizing). There is a time and place for all activities and sometimes people just need to keep their libidos in check until they can find that time and place. I know that can be hard on occasion but so be it.

I would like to see DADT eventually go away since I have friends and relatives who are gay and do serve and they have expressed some angst about having to live a lie and watch their back when they are off base. The adage when I was on AD was that you spend 90% of your time dealing with the f*d-up 10%.

The big difference is you have to currently deal with all those various permutations of raging hormones whereas I can now sit back, out of the fray, and take pot shots.