Huh? Not sure I understand. Why have operations against Hamas any relevance to this at all?
My mistake Wilf.
I was not talking about Castel Lead operation but the blocus and disruption of Gaza social services.
Especially (sorry I do not remember the year, I believe it was 2004), the one that targeted government offices and had for objective to destroy physically all material capacities. This did harm Hamas capacities but did also harm the legitimacy. Especially as Hamas was an elected body. (Not saying I support Hamas).
And that the link with the threat: we have to do what we preach. If we want rule of law: we have to follow law.
If we want to build trust: then we have to provide better services.
In war among the people or people centric COIN, the statement 10-2=20 does apply for civilians. The faillure of Iraq at its early stage came from there, nowhere else. Civilian will go for what is the most profitable for them and also will follow the rational: I take what I know and trust (even if it is hard dictatorship) rather try another flavour of a "too well known"/"unknow potential" failure.