Quote Originally Posted by M-A Lagrange View Post
Definition of a decisive battle is quite loose with time. I’ll take the example of La Marne in 1914. It was merely a strategic decisive battle but was a tactical decisive battle as it was more a smart use of modern logistic technology and more or less did fix the front. But this was not the attempt or aim. (The objective was to protect Paris so the old dogma I have your capital = I won, would not happen).
But still it was a decisive battle.
...so you might want to point that out on this thread here, because this is very relevant! - http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/...ead.php?t=8647

I will take the example of last Israel operations. (No critics, no offense, no judgment, please. Take it as an intellectual exercise).
Good luck with that. Ever met an Israeli?

Joking aside, Israel has a very simple view of strategy. It is the use of force to maintain the state, at all and any cost. It does not have to be perfect or even good. It just has to work, and it does. No one expects "Peace" anytime soon. Relative security is good enough.
Economy growing, population growing, and 3 years since a serious war = all good.

The Israeli population (as opposed to political elite) also cares very little for what others think. The only condemnation that had any impact at all during Cast Lead was that from the Turkish Islamist Party!