Quote Originally Posted by kaur View Post
Those are the characteristics that I admire.

And yet; totally overpriced and easily substituted for with evolved traditional systems.

Also I agree that you don't have to "kill" the whole column of tanks to achieve good results. You just have to pick out commanders (in case of conscript army). Like sniper work.

Conscript armies like the Wehrmacht, of which some infantry divisions kept fighting and stalling attacks even after 40% loss of troops, 80% loss of heavy ordnance and around 60% loss of leaders?

You seem to overestimate the effect of leader losses as well. It may work fine at times, but it's not what I meant and certainly not reliable.

Here is another photo.

That photo was done AFTER the decision, after the breakthrough - south of the city. Terrain is almost irrelevant at that point.

Yet, it shows that even in that flat region there was little hope of even exploiting the full range of a TOW, much less of a Netfire missile.
2 km is a practical line of sight limit in normal cultivated/inhabited terrain - until you factor in smoke (direct and indirect), dust, fog and probably also mirage.