Quote Originally Posted by MikeF View Post
We started doing combat-focused PT like this back in 2005 at the suggestion of a very smart infantry major. All running was done in the training area, and we would mix in jumping over connexes and fences to condition the boys for clearing gates and other urban structures. Almost all PT was squad/section level minus the mandatory unit "fun" runs. Once a week, combatives replaced the run. Squadron Runs typically ended after running through a training area and an obstacle course.
Love the combat focused PT! This is coming from a Marine on an Army base, but I almost never see units here conducting anything outside of runs, pu's and su's.

I am trying to expose my Lt's, both Army and Marine to different types of PT, and show them that there ways beyond running to get outstanding workouts in.

We need to train for the rigors of combat, not the 30 min it takes to run a PFT.
