What is interesting in that message, out of the dimension of heart and mind battle, is that it is a rejection of the Geneva Conventions just as the laws passed by USA and the denial of war prisoner status.
I have not finish yet to go through it completely but it refers to Sharia as the unique law applicable in peace and war. One of the things in the Geneva Convention, part from the fact that it is a western rule born and breed regulation, is that it already recognises the Sharia as a concrete and important contribution to regulating war.

This does not cover just propaganda VS propaganda but shows the capacity of the enemy to take a decisive strategic move on the legitimacy battle field through challenging West morality in its conduct of war.
It also shows, somehow that the enemy is trying to close the second phase of Mao in revolutionary war. Promulgating laws and regulation to unify insurgents is coming just at the moment the coalition is breaking apart. We may have here also the proof of two possible evidences:
- Either the Taleb are on the verge to fall and are completely disorganised with a lost of legitimacy inside the population they are trying to “protect”. Which could be the case.
- Or the Taleb are strong enough to pass from disorganised groups conducting non coordinated guerrilla wars, each of them separately, to a united group under one command that is feeling capable to conduct a “conventional war phase”.
In both cases, the challenge is not only on the ground, it is also on the conduct of war. Taleb have been capable to shift the counter insurgency legitimacy battle field from governance to the symbols of legitimacy. In front of the positive approach of rights rule of law, they are capable to come with a tool with the apparence of rule of law based on a different referent with a negative understanding of it. But Sharia is one of the most important referent in the history of law.