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Thread: Cumulative impact of low calorie intake and sleep deficit in combat

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  1. #7
    Council Member IntelTrooper's Avatar
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    May 2009
    RC-S, Afghanistan


    Quote Originally Posted by Schmedlap View Post
    Agreed, but is 4 or 5 hours "deprivation?" The Army only owes each Soldier 4 hours. At least that is what I was taught. And is his diet "unhealthy?" It looked like he was eating some pretty good food when I saw him chowing down on CBS. It was one meal, but I didn't hear a calorie count or any mention of inadequate nutritional value.
    I think what Army leaders need to remember is that everyone's body has different sleep and nutritional requirements. GEN McChrystal may only require 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night. I know lots of people who only sleep that much on a regular basis and suffer no ill effects. Personally, I need 8.5 hours of sleep per night in order to not feel like garbage all day. 4 to 5 hours would make me an angry zombie.

    Once, we were up for nearly 48 hours due to a little situation we got into. Around hour 44, I decided I had figured out a solution, walked up to my team leader, and proceded to explain my brilliant plan. What came out of my mouth was a bunch of nonsense, as I gathered from the way his face contorted in a mixture of confusion and anger, so rather than try to explain, I just walked away.

    While many in the military would be relatively unaffected by a stretch of two or three days without sleep, I am definitely not one of them.
    Last edited by IntelTrooper; 10-15-2009 at 11:08 PM.
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    "With a plan this complex, nothing can go wrong." -- Schmedlap

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