1-On the low tech end teaching officers to use their notebook and pen and a good 3X5 card index system has probably solved more crimes than anything. In the computer age I think we have lost that essential skill.
2-From where you are located you may want to research the fact that for a brief time there was a Special Forces MP unit that existed.
3-As David mentioned Police departments in general do not have a lessons learned capability. Much of what I learned(the good stuff anyway) was passed down to me from older officers almost like an apprenticeship method. I often thought we needed a Field Manual System like the Military that could be distributed and updated in the same way to Police Departments All across the country.
4-Teaching Police how to do a 5 Rings analysis or ASCOPE analysis with pen and paper would have a lot of benefit, doing it by hand in the field teaches the Police/COIN thinking methodology. I used to do my stuff with a crime scene/traffic accident template. I guess they still make those. It is visual method of crime/problem solving in general.

More as I think of it.
Also what does PTT stand for? It is in your Bio?