Quote Originally Posted by Surferbeetle View Post
...Our current and future military is duty bound to provide solid advice to our leaders as to the anticipated costs of proposed actions.
We don't do that very well, either, quoth the Curmudgeon...
I see fundamental changes in USG attitudes and many are searching for a better way.
As do I and hopefully we'll find it. There may be times when commitment to FID is not an option and we must be prepared for those. However, they can be few and far between and it is in our interest as a nation that be so.
We could also consider the similarities between a Mixed Martial Arts match and Full Spectrum War; limiting oneself to only boxing skills ups the risk factor. IMHO DOD must consistently provide first responder capabilities in lines of action other than security, while remaining the subject matter experts on security, in order to be able to contain and properly focus the destruction that accompanies war. IMHO the rest of the USG too must have expeditionary elements to be able to contain and properly focus the destruction that accompanies war.
I agree. My point is that, simply, we do not do that FID thing well and are never likely to do so; the national psyche and, more importantly, the national political milieu and the US Army personnel system do not lend themselves to that kind of effort -- as we repeatedly prove. So prepare, yes -- but avoid large force efforts if possible. The cost far exceeds the results. Always.
It is my personal observation that there are massive differences between a light security footprint and a heavy security footprint. As to quality more first hand observations of our current operations are needed in order to provide a current impression...
Mmmm. Perhaps -- I'm inclined to day that quality is far and away more important than quantity and currently serving folks I'm in contact with seem to corroborate that. I also think Nathan Bedford Forrest was on to something with "Get there firstest with the mostest" idea. Mostest being the right force, not the whole force...