Quote Originally Posted by Rob Thornton View Post
Agree with Steve - its got to stand up to the FAS (Feasible, Acceptable and Suitable) test - which gets to Steve's otehr point about implementation. What often looks like a easy win, is often more complicated. Even when there is an appetite to govern - its sometime more like the folks with alligator mouths and hummingbird rear ends.

Best, Rob
Rob, I think FAS should= Profitable! Also there is nothing easy about fighting but it is necessary. There is nothing so weak as a Police Officer that looks like he is prepared to fight but want...... or the worlds most powerful nation that it is AFRAID to use it's power to protect it's own citizens. it invites people to attack our hummingbird butt. When America understands that we will finally find respect in the world instead of trying to be friends with alligators.