We have a lot of Ugandan guards here and i like to ask them about the LRA. One told me tonight that the UPDF has people continuously in the DRC, South Sudan and CAR gathering intel on the LRA. When they get a good location, UPDF forces are dispatched as a strike force to hit them. The biggest problem is, the guard says, that there are people in the UPDF who tip off the LRA because of tribal sympathies. The LRA is so foot mobile that they don't need much of a warning to be well out of the area when the strike force hits.

If true, I infer that UPDF units are not continuously on the trail of LRA groups. This is disappointing to me. I don't see how any info can stay good long enough to get a strike force there in time, especially given how fast the LRA can move. I was also surprised that tribal loyalty could play a part in this.

I don't know how much if any the guard said was true but that is what he told me.